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Senator James Moylan introduced Resolution 81-35 today that would request Governor Lou Leon Guerrero to establish a similar policy of the Calvo Administration of removing those convicted of felonies currently incarcerated at the Guam Department of Corrections and handing them over to federal authorities for deportation.

The provisions include:
1) Non-citizens or permanent residents of the United States
2) Victims involved must agree to the deportation of the convicted felon
3) Have served more than fifty percent (50%) of their sentence, and
4) Have not been convicted of a heinous crime.

“As a previous parole officer, I understand the challenges at the Dept. of Corrections. I know that DOC currently holds over 100 non-U.S. citizens and the laws of Guam must be followed or there will be consequences,” said Senator Jim Moylan. “The program also established some peace of mind for those who were victims of the crimes committed by non-U.S. citizens and I am more than willing to work with Director Sam Brennan and the Governor’s office on the continuance of this program,” added Senator Jim Moylan.

The current costs associated with housing an inmate at DOC estimates to around One Hundred and Eight Dollars ($108) per day, with over 100 non-United States citizens or permanent residents residing in the facility.

For more information, please call 922-MORE.

Contact the Office of Senator James “Jim” Moylan